Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

New year eve

 Happy New Year
     Now, I just wanted to say HAPPY NEW YEAR for all my friends and 
everybody. I know I'm late to say this but no one his due date is still young in the month of January. 
    Is heavy enough to leave in 2011 because so many memories that I get,as a successful national exam with satisfactory results, they would be accepted in 47. I'm very happy with it,because I could make my parents proud of me. but on the other hand a lot of things that make me sad and disappointed.

    But all it taught me that I must be strong and patient. then I must separated with all my classmates in junior high school because I had to go to school in 47. after that I have new friends they are all very good friends and this is my special friends they are balqish, bella and fitri :P . Well it all are the memories I was in the year 2011.

    I hope this year would be fine, I could realize all my desires, can make my parents proud of me, the more successful learning in school, not many problems that occur. and hopefully two thousand twelve is much better than the two thousand eleven and became the year that will never be forgotten :)
                               Dara Puspita

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